夏季促销:Roglan Henley
在Cockpit USA,我们坚信男人永远不会嫌多件基本款 T 恤和衬衫,随时可以单独穿着,也可以搭配纽扣衬衫或标志性的航空夹克。好消息?Cockpit USA 系列中有很多完美合身的基本款。更好的消息?从现在到九月底,大量精选商品现以 50% 的折扣出售!在线夏季大减价中包括Roglan Henley 。这款衣橱单品采用 100% 纯棉制成,有白色和对比鲜明的灰色可供选择,是一年四季都值得穿的衣橱单品。务必在促销结束前抢购!
" We see you've opted out of signature required upon delivery. Please be aware that we are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged packages if a signature is not required upon delivery.
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PLEASE NOTE: when unchecking the "Signature Required" upon delivery option, Cockpit USA will not be responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged packages.