Atlanta GA, September 21-25, 2016, Cockpit USA, and the American Airpower museum had the honor of participating in the 75
th Anniversary commemoration of the American Volunteer Group (AVG). Two of the three surviving members of the AVG were in attendance, and five P-40’s from around the country gathered to honor the group. With the help of Sponsors Cockpit USA, The American Airpower Museum was able to send their P-40 “Jacky C” from its base In Farmingdale N.Y. to Peachtree DeKalb airport in Georgia. Cockpit USA has made it part of it’s core mission to honor the Americans who volunteered to assist China during WWII. Their
23rd Fighter Group Jacket is a tribute to the group deigned to be as close to the original jackets used as possible. Additional Jacket designs have also been used as a way to continue to educate people on the groups fascinating history.

The American Airpower Museum, maintains their P-40 Warhawk in the original paint scheme of the 23
rd AVG Fighter group. The aircraft is seen my school groups, museum visitors, and airshow fans across the Northeast United States. For more Cockpit USA styles honoring the American Volunteer Group please see our:
Flying Tigers Souvenir Trucker Jacket • AVG Flying Tigers Souvenir Jacket • 23rd Fighter Group A-2 Flight Jacket