Amazing things can result from everyone being committed and passionate about the goal. This is what happened when a project that was originally intended to be a single limited edition commemorative jacket, turned into something much more exciting.
Cockpit USA created a design to commemorate the 75
th Anniversary of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Our intent, to donate the jacket for auction at the Pacific Aviation Museum gala held on December 3
rd, 2016 held as part of the weeklong PH75 commemoration. All proceeds would go to the restoration of the Ford Island control tower, and historic Hangar 79, a building that still bears the bullet holes from the Japanese attacks on December 7
th, 1941. The “Remember Pearl Harbor” Jacket would be created on our finest example of an original WWII horsehide US Army Air Corps A-2 flight jacket, being a true representation of a WWII nose art piece. That plan changed when representatives from Cockpit USA and Budweiser realized both companies would be supporting the event.

When Budweiser learned more about the jacket, wheels began to turn, and a concept was created that offered far more breadth than a single jacket. Budweiser commissioned 9 additional jackets creating “the group of 10”. The group of 10 would become a list of people that go to great personal lengths to support our active military and to preserve and support the legacy of our veterans. A group of people whom we wanted to show our appreciation to, and who are all inspirational in their individual ways. The list represented the upper echelon influencers for military and veteran support across the entertainment industry, charitable groups, and industry leaders. All with the common thread of being committed to supporting our troops.
We landed in Hawaii, and went directly to the gala, it was a wonderful event and a honor to have been able to attend. The original jacket donated for the Gala was sold for $4,000.00, 100% of the profits going to help preserve the
historical Ford Island hangars and control tower. The people at the Pacific Aviation Museum are doing outstanding work to preserve such an historic site.
That evening
Cockpit USA and Budweiser were given the opportunity to present a jacket, and offer our appreciation to, Mr. Gary Sinise. Mr. Sinise, the Lt. Dan band, and the
“Gary Sinise foundation” have been supporting our troops and veterans for over a decade. The foundation reported that 89.51% of every dollar raised went to support veterans, and got over $14M NET to our veterans in 2015 alone.
Later that week we presented Mr. Garth Brooks with his very own hand painted 75th Anniversary jacket. Mr. Brooks and his wife, Trisha Yearwood agreed to perform a concert to support the Pearl Harbor 75th. After their shows sold out in a matter of minutes, they added 5 additional shows; they then announced that they would donate 100% of the proceeds to the Pearl Harbor memorials. This is just another example of how Garth Brooks has repeatedly stepped up to support our veterans and their legacy, throughout his career.

In addition to “the group of 10” Budweiser encouraged us to agree to offer 65 additional jackets to the public. This would make the total 75, before we “break the mold”. After much discussion with our painters, we agreed, and are now happy to offer a limited run of this jacket to the public. The support and encouragement from Budweiser not only enabled us as a company to increase our support for the Pearl Harbor memorials, it gave us the opportunity to showcase our own personal commitment to supporting the legacy of the American veteran.
We are happy to be able to offer this hand-painted limited edition
"Remember Pearl Harbor" Jacket to you, and would like to thank the people at Budweiser, as well as the group of ten for all they do for our veterans and active military.
“Budweiser Historical Efforts” [youtube ]
Anheuser-Busch’s military support dates back to the company’s co-founders. Both Adolphus Busch, and his father-in-law, Eberhard Anheuser, served in the Union Army as members of the Missouri Volunteers during the Civil War. During World War I and World War II, the company produced diesel engines for Navy submarines and amphibious recon vehicles for the Army. More than 1,500 employees served and all had jobs when they returned. In addition, the company retooled factories to make gliders and wing assemblies, and donated freight cars for military transport. In 1944, employees raised $879,350 in war bonds, enough to purchase two B-17 bombers for the Army Air Corps. The Army named the planes “Miss Budweiser” and “Buschwacker.” Anheuser-Busch helped thousands of Americans show support for the troops in 2005 through the “Here’s to the Heroes Tour.” The 28-city national tour allowed visitors to record customized 10- to 30-second messages of support distributed to U.S. troops in more than 177 countries via the American Forces Radio and Television Service. More than 5,500 Anheuser-Busch employees have served in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom and other military campaigns. Employees currently serving in the U.S. military may resume their jobs at Anheuser-Busch.

“We are honored to have partner with Cockpit USA to commission this limited edition jacket” said Rick Nechio, Budweiser Director Transit |
"Cockpit USA Historical efforts" Cockpit USA has been committed to supporting our active duty military and veteran community from day one. They have used their historical archives and design team to build awareness for extraordinary people such as the Women Air Service Pilots, the Tuskegee Airmen, the Doolittle Raiders, and the American Volunteer Group for over 40 years. We often have the pleasure of being able to replace or replicate veterans favorite issue jacket they no longer have, or even give people the chance to own the flight jacket they always wanted. Cockpit USA’s mission has always been one of education, and connection when it comes to the American Soldier.
Simultaneously, the founders of Cockpit USA, Jeff and Jacky Clyman, set out to create a physical venue to continue that education. Committing an incredible amount of their time and financial support, they founded the
American Airpower Museum in Farmingdale, Long Island. The museum hosts numerous events annually to honor historic military events, ceremonies, and remembrances.
American Airpower Museum Mission: “The museum’s strategic mission is the preservation of the legacy of all Americans who have sacrificed themselves to defend our liberties and to educate a new generation regarding the courage, valor and heroism of our nation’s citizen soldiers by presenting the operational aircraft and armor in the museum’s collection and its related displays, exhibits and programs.”