Originally intended for Naval Chief Petty Officers, The U.S. Navy “CPO shirt” was developed in the 1930s for work in cold weather. Its clean, simple design, and sturdy wool construction became a favorite among all Navy and seamen. After World War II, many of the US Navy sailors coming home from the war would continue to wear their issue CPO shirts. Today, this timeless Navy shirt has become a “staple” in every man’s wardrobe – however, many do not even approach the authenticity of the original.


Our CPO Shirt is made of signature Cockpit USA wool and logo lining. Accented with a Chief Petty Officer’s pin, this small detail is a unique feature that can be removed easily to complement your styling needs. Cockpit USA is proud to offer this proudly manufactured in the USA, timeless U.S. Navy work wear classic with all of the function of the original design.


It’s worth noting that the Cockpit USA navy wool CPO Shirt (shown above), photographs closer to the color black. However, the navy is visible in the sunlight! Available in both navy and olive colors, the CPO is now in-stock and ready to ship today!