FADER TV : Shop talk at Cockpit USA

[caption] [caption] Formerly known as Avirex, Cockpit USA is an establishment in downtown NYC that we have passed probably about a hundred times. At first glance, it might look like any other megastore on Broadway, but as our own Mobolaji Dawodu discovered last week, a closer look reveals much more than that. Cockpit has a long history with the US military(to this day they supply the Air Force with state uniforms), which has led to a retail collection currently sold on the ground level of the store. Upstairs, though, one can find an installation that features owner Jeff Clyman’s original inspiration for the brand. We got an inside look and a thorough history lesson on all of the vintage pieces. So many details! And Mobolaji got to sit in an actual cockpit in the store, which was pretty cool. Read more: FADER