History Class: WWII Today

It is always an adventure of sorts when looking back and recalling events that occurred on the very same day in the past. While many may flick through journals they have kept to seek out where they personally were years ago, the archives of the internet has made it easy to find out what was happening in the world on each day throughout the decades.  As enthusiastic tweeters, here at Cockpit USA we avidly follow @WWIIToday, a twitter feed which continuously and accurately updates exactly what was going on during WWII as it was happening on this day, back then. So far we have discovered the entire NYC waterfront, comprising of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond were ordered to extinguish all their lights for the ominous "duration". For fellow twitter addicts out there click the 'follow' button for @WWIIToday and of course, for us at @CockpitUSAinc!