Whether you're a suit in the office or a pilot in the skies, there's nothing quite like kicking back and relaxing with a movie after a long working week. This week's Movie Monday is a cult classic and
Cockpit USA favorite. Based on J. G. Ballard's autobiographical novel of his experiences in WWII, Empire of the Sun is the coming of age story of 13 year old Jim Graham, set in Japanese occupied Shanghai in the wake of Pearl Harbor attacks. Directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Christian Bale in his first break through role, this award winning film combines Jim's struggle for survival as he is separated from his parents and held at a confinement camp with an ordinary young boy's heart warming adoration of aircrafts and spirited adventurous streak. A beautifully shot telling of a boy's boost into manhood under the duress of WWII, Empire of the Sun is a 25 year old piece of timeless cinema history.