Written consecutively as a novel and scree play by espionage writer Alistair MacLean, the 1968 film
Where Eagles Dare is today's selected
Cockpit USA Movie Monday! With a star studded credits roll which includes the likes of Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood, Patrick Wymark and Mary Ure, this WWII action movie does not need to convince of its Hollywood blockbusting status. Set in the winter of 1943-44, the story follows a daring rescue mission led by Major Jonathan Smith (Richard Burton) and U.S. Army Ranger Lieutenant Morris Schaffer (Clint Eastwood) as they infiltrate Schloß Adler, a Nazi held Bavarian fortress where U.S. Army Brigadier General George Carnaby (Robert Beatty) is being kept captive. Under the guise of Nazi officers, the team of commandos parachute in behind enemy lines. With edge-of-your-seat action a plenty and some surprising twists in the tale,
Where Eagles Dare is an epic and exciting cinematic adventure you won't want to miss!