Amazing Stories - "The Rift" episode number 5, aired April on 3rd directed by Mark Mylod and created by Stephen Spielberg available on Apple TV+. Tells a story of a WWII pilot who crashes in modern-day Ohio, a young widow and her stepson are swept up in his search for home. Featuring a hand painted A-2 bomber jacket supplied by Cockpit USA. Shop here.
When a WWII pilot crashes in modern-day Ohio, a young widow and her stepson are swept up in his search for home.
Top Gun
Originally created in 1985, this unique vintage flight jacket starred in the iconic “Top Gun” movie. Based on early 60s specifications, this jacket has a light russet colored antiqued mouton collar. For authenticity, the leather and the patches have been treated with a special vintage treatment, giving it a worn in patina. Decorated with all 17 patches and the USN Anchor pin, this aviation jacket conforms to the movie original and is an unsurpassed piece of naval and movie history. If you would like this jacket without patches, please see our Classic Naval Aviator's 100 Mission Flight Jacket. This jacket is also available in Long sizes for the taller gentleman. Movie Heroes Top Gun (Long) Not sure which size to get? Send us your measurementshere and we will suggest the best fit for you.