An adaptation of Philip MacDonald’s novel Patrol, this WWI film tells the tale of eleven British cavalry regiment men led by Sergeant Victor McLaglen, lost and adrift in the Mesopotamian...
Based on Irwin Shaw's successful war novel, The Young Lions is a 1958 movie that plays out the fate of three young soldiers during WWII. With a string of old...
At the end of last year, the American Airpower Museum played host to the cast of brand new blockbuster, 'Red Tails' for a special Ebony Magazine photo shoot. Written by Hollywood veteran...
In celebration of the upcoming WWII movie, ‘Red Tails’, Ebony Magazine and some of the film’s star-studded cast went to the American Airpower Museum for the production of a...
As the oldest catalog in the country, Hammacher Schlemmer are, like Cockpit USA principal facets and purveyors of American heritage at its best. First published in 1881, the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog became...