Known as the great Frank Sinatra's most successful movie, Von Ryan's Express is an adventure packed feat not to be missed! Set during World War II, this 1965 film tells...
Despite weighing in at an astounding 10,000-tonnes, the gargantuan SS Jeremiah O'Brien was built by San Francisco’s ship workers in under eight weeks in 1943. Upon entering service, she played...
Among's vast archive of footage tracking yesteryear and beyond, Cockpit USA came across a video which warmed our hearts and left us brimming with pride in our American heritage....
With the new year well and truly here, Cockpit USA would like to take the opportunity to gift all our customers a 100% cotton sweater with every purchase of a...
Once upon a time Ellis Island was the first port of call for new arrivals to the United States. Before being officially registered and granted entry, immigrants were legally and...
As proud sponsors of the American Airpower Museum located in Farmingdale, Long Island, we at Cockpit USA are delighted to announce an old but new addition to the flying squad!...