Based on the novel of the same name by German writer, Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet On The Western Front is a harrowing movie about the actualities of war. Told...
Named in honor of the most famous unit of American air power, the 94th Aero Squadron restaurant keeps in theme with its name, boasting military memorabilia as its decor and...
As proud sponsors of the American Air Power Museum, we at Cockpit USA must admit we are self confessed aircraft nerds. After much rummaging through reams of footage taken at...
Over the years, Cockpit USA have come to be known as connoisseurs for leather heritage jackets in the outerwear world. We have since evolved and extended our reach into the contemporary...
Early this month, the American Air Power Museum of which Cockpit USA is sponsors of, welcomed Holocaust survivors, veterans and high school students to honor and commemorate the very first concentration...
Masters of their trade for over 120 years, Sweet Candy Company is one of the oldest family run candy creators in the U.S. Purveyors of the finest taffy, assorted...