A classic of the modern age, Saving Private Ryan is a Movie Monday pick which includes action, heartbreak, sacrifice and triumph. Led by the heroic U.S. Army Captain John H. Miller...
Last week Nichole Hastings, a good friend of Cockpit USA's featured the Civilian Pilot Training Spring 2012 'Appalachian Trail' collection on her beautiful blog. Check out the feature for yourself...
Winner of two Oscars and three Golden Globes, Apocalypse Now is a war movie of epic proportions. Released in 1979 and set during the Vietnam war, the story follows Captain...
When we're not hiking, flying in the skies or camping in the country side, we at Cockpit USA like to venture out on golfing expeditions using only US made equipment. Established...
This week Cockpit USA have swapped the concrete jungle that is NYC for the Land of Rivers and Mountains... That's right, we're in China! There for ENK International, the global apparel...
Set in the throes and aftermath of WWII, The English Patient is a multilayered romantic tale of love, loss and the wielding force of fate. Based on a novel...