Winner of two Oscars and three Golden Globes, Apocalypse Now is a war movie of epic proportions. Released in 1979 and set during the Vietnam war, the story follows Captain...
Just as Cockpit USA is dedicated to iconic military jackets, the 356th Fighter Group restaurant is dedicated to the United States Air Force organization of the same name. Inspired by pilots of the team which...
Created by Frederick Miller, a supporter of the American Air Power Museum, this spectacular montage of aircraft images is testament to true aircraft workmanship. Set against the glittering lights of Long Island, dramatic...
When we're not hiking, flying in the skies or camping in the country side, we at Cockpit USA like to venture out on golfing expeditions using only US made equipment. Established...
It was on April 4, 1945 that American army units discovered and liberated the first slave labor camp at Ohrdruf, in Thuringia, Germany. In the following week, American forces went on to...
This week Cockpit USA have swapped the concrete jungle that is NYC for the Land of Rivers and Mountains... That's right, we're in China! There for ENK International, the global apparel...