A WWII movie set in 1943, Sahara tells the tale of Sergeant Joe Gunn, an American M-3 tank crew commander played by the iconic Humphrey Bogart as he toils and...
With a company history and style immersed in history, here at Cockpit USA we often find ourselves getting more clued up and in the know by getting lost at museums. An...
This Saturday will see New York inhabitants come together in an annual family friendly celebration at the city’s very last lighthouse. Organized by the Historic House Trust’s Fall Festival and...
October is officially here! For us at Cockpit USA this means two things – lots of pumpkin pie consumption and Halloween! On the 29th of this month, the Cockpit USA...
With Thanksgiving and Christmas on the horizon, the time to spruce up for the festive season is almost here! While we at Cockpit USA offer a range of smart button...
This weekend the American Airpower Museum was out in full force yet again! While the squadron of operational WWII aircrafts stayed on home turf at the Cockpit USA sponsored museum...